Cellini: a successful rebranding story.

Cellini: a successful rebranding story.

Cellini caffè chose Arc’s for an ambitious repositioning and rebranding project to create new premium product lines for baristas&professionals and GDO.

The new identity is synthesized in the formula “Contemporary Italian Roastery”. The brand mixes its traditional know-how with a passion for revolutionary coffee trends and state-of-the-art technology.

The project has been developed in multiple phases: market analysis, creative exploration, pack design, international consumer testing, final implementation, and market launch.

We operated according to a consolidated model (DCV: discovery-create-validate) conceived by Arc’s and the tech Italian company Dscovr, already applied in multiple sectors. We involved Ekaf’s directive board with feedback sessions and strategic meetings.

Cellini chose to express a new idea of Italian coffee, free from traditional myths and repetitive clichés in the way it’s portrayed. The new product lines are sustainable and focused on Specialty blends that can make everyone experience with ease some of the most prestigious coffee origins in the world.

The creative identity takes life with bold, inspirational, and sometimes provocative statements, while visually it is displayed with handcrafted illustrations that tell the mood or the story behind each product.

The new brand image has been presented with great success at Rimini SIGEP and Tutto Food in Milan, when it was launched respectively the Specially Crafted Blends line for Baristas and the Superior Blend line for large-scale distribution.

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